Privacy policy

Below is the privacy policy (hereinafter "web privacy policy" or "policy") that governs the Web Platform (hereinafter, "the Platform"), under the owned by VAC Luxury Homes Spain SL. (hereinafter "VAC" or "we").




This policy is applicable to all users of the platform, whether or not they are VAC customers (hereinafter, interchangeably, "the user" or "the users") who are considered natural persons. And, by personal data, we mean all information about an identified or identifiable natural person.

If you are already a customer of VAC for having signed a contract with us, you should also refer to the information contained in this about the specific privacy terms.

This platform is aimed at users over 18 years of age, and its use is prohibited for children under this age. In addition, the user responsibly acknowledges that he has sufficient legal capacity to be able to subscribe, where appropriate, to the services offered by VAC


 We are responsible for the treatment of your personal data:

Full name of the entity: VAC Luxury Homes Spain S.L

Registered office: Calle Gobelas 13 28023 Madrid

Physical location / headquarters: Calle Gobelas 13 28023 Madrid

Contact email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 The processing of your data is necessary to give you access to the contents and / or functionalities of the platform or, if you require it, to be able to send you the information or provide you with the services provided through it. In this regard, we maintain a firm commitment to treat your personal data in a legitimate and consistent manner in accordance with the principles and legal obligations set forth in the current regulations on the protection of personal data.

When you browse through our platform and, in particular, when you interact or register with us, you provide us with data directly, for example, when you fill out any form or request made online according to the treatment purposes indicated in each case ( for example, the contact form).

The data you provide us is in relation to such forms or requests arranged through the platform and, in addition, may vary depending on the type of form or request in question. Notwithstanding the foregoing, through the platform, and through its different forms / requests, different categories of personal data may be collected, although we will always ask you for those data that are appropriate, pertinent and limited to what is necessary regarding the aforementioned purposes of treatment ( principle of minimization of personal data):

Personal identifying data (for example, your name and surname).

Personal contact information (for example, email).

In the same way, when you browse our platform you must be aware of the cookies that are installed on your terminal or device, as this implies the treatment of your personal data according to the type of cookies reported and their specific purposes (see cookie policy). In case you accept our cookies policy, analytical cookies will be served that implies the treatment of the personal data associated with your browsing profile for analytical and / or statistical purposes. It should be noted that continuing to browse our platform, existing prior information on our legal policies for the treatment of personal data, will imply that you unambiguously accept the cookies that are served, although you can configure the use of such analytical cookies at any time as indicated in said cookie policy.


The personal data that you provide us will be treated for the purpose stipulated in a particular way in this privacy policy and, where appropriate, in the different data forms provided in it. In this sense, data collection serves the following purposes of treatment:

Enable you to browse our platform, thereby allowing you access to the information and content provided on it.

Address your requests or requests according to the contact forms you send us.

Solve your doubts about our services quickly and efficiently through the different channels available for this purpose (contact / question form).

Allow and manage your registration as a user, if required. You can unsubscribe from such registration whenever you want by writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Comprehensive management of your personal account as a client, when you do so by formally signing our contracting conditions.

Facilitate you, if you wish, to subscribe to our blog / newsletter so that you can access content and additional information that may be of interest to you.

Receive information about the activities, advantages, or any other information that may be of interest to you, including advertising or promotional information, associated with the activities carried out by the entities that make up the VAC merchant group, and being able to communicate your personal data between them To this end, provided that you have unequivocally authorized these effects, and may revoke your consent at any time, although this will not affect the legitimacy of the processing prior to such revocation. You can also consult the entities that are part of the VAC by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Allow the uses associated with cookies on the Platform as described in our cookie policy.

In the event that you have accepted the cookie policy, for the development of the purposes associated with the different types of cookies reported through it, in particular, those of an analytical type (navigation / user profile), carry out such analysis and Statistics associated with web browsing in order to improve our services and the quality of their provision. At any time, if you wish, you can configure the use of analytical cookies, holding a right to revoke your consent regarding the purposes associated with these cookies. We inform you that the revocation of your consent to the processing of your data regarding certain types of cookies such as session or technical cookies may prevent you from browsing our platform (see cookie policy).

Adopt as many protection measures as applicable in accordance with current regulations, including the possible anonymization of your personal data, applying the appropriate techniques available for this purpose. Therefore, in this area, anonymization and pseudonymization treatments may also be carried out for the best protection of your personal data.

Apply the relevant security, technical and / or organizational measures on your personal data with a focus on the risk existing at all times, including the pseudonymisation or encryption of personal data through our platform.


Purposes of treatment

Legitimate basis of treatment

Enable you to browse our platform, thereby allowing you access to the information and content provided on it.


Your consent and, according to the cases, satisfaction of the legitimate interest, own or of third parties, associated with the adequate management, maintenance, development and evolution of the platform, tools, network and associated information systems, allowing its correct operation, functionalities, access to content and services, as well as the general security of all the aforementioned points

Attend your requests or requests according to the forms or requests that you send us.


Your consent

Solve your doubts about our services quickly and efficiently

Your consent and, depending on the case, execution of pre-contractual measures at the request of the user / interested party

Allow and manage your registration as a user if you require it

Your consent

Enable you to access, if you were a client, the digital channel of clients arranged through the platform

Execution of the contract you have signed with VAC

Comprehensive management of your personal account as a customer, when you are

Execution of the contract you have signed with VAC

Provide you, if you wish, your subscription to our blog / newsletter.

Your consent

Receive information about the activities or any other information that may be of interest to you, including advertising or promotional information, associated with the activities carried out by the entities that make up the VAC merchant Group

Your consent, and when such commercial communications can be covered by the provisions of article 21.2 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, in the prevailing legitimate interest of VAC

In the event that you have accepted the cookie policy provided for this purpose, allow the development of the treatment purposes associated with them and, in particular, carry out the pertinent analysis derived from your web browsing for analytical and / or statistical purposes.

Your consent

Adopt as many protection measures as applicable in accordance with current regulations, including the possible pseudonymization and anonymization of your personal data, applying the appropriate techniques available for this purpose.


Compliance with a legal obligation (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data and which repeals Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter, the "General Data Protection Regulation" or the "RGPD") -00088.pdf In the case of treatments intended to guarantee the security of the platform, the network and the associated information system, it may be used, where appropriate, the satisfaction of the legitimate interest of VAC or, where appropriate, of a third party (Considering 49 of the GDPR).

Apply the appropriate security measures, both technical and organizational, to your personal data, focusing on the existing risk at each moment

Compliance with a legal obligation (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data and which repeals Directive 95/46 / EC ("General Data Protection Regulation" or "RGPD") In the case of treatments intended to guarantee the security of the platform, the network and the associated information system, it may be used, where appropriate, to satisfy the legitimate interest of VAC or, where appropriate, of a third party (Recital 49 of the RGPD).

When the legitimate basis for the processing of your personal data is your consent, we remind you that you have the right to revoke it at any time in a simple and free way by writing to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Personal data associated with the purposes of the treatment reported

Terms or criteria for the conservation of your personal data

Data associated with user navigation through our platform

-Generally, your data will be kept for these purposes for the essential and necessary time to enable you to correctly navigate and use our platform and the content available through it that you access.

-Regarding the data associated with your browsing profile, in relation to the analytical type cookies that you have accepted as indicated in the VAC cookie policy, you must pay attention to the section regarding their timing (see cookie policy) .

Attend your requests or requests according to the forms or requests that you send us.

-For the essential time to correctly attend to your requests and / or specific requests according to each case.

-If the same, consist of the execution at your request of pre-contractual measures or the signing of a contract with VAC, your data will be kept for as long as necessary to give satisfaction to such pre-contractual measures or service contract between the parties.

Solve your doubts about our services quickly and efficiently.

For the time strictly necessary to solve or attend to them.

Allow and manage your registration as a user if you require it.

Until the moment you request the effective withdrawal of such registration. If you are a VAC client, the personal data retention periods described in these cases may be applied as indicated below.

Enable you to access, if you were a client, the digital channel of clients arranged through the platform.

During the periods necessary to give due satisfaction to the execution of the contract between the parties (duration of the contract between the parties).

Comprehensive management of your personal account as a customer, when you are.

During the periods necessary to give due satisfaction to the execution of the contract between the parties (duration of the contract between the parties).

Facilitate you, if you wish, to subscribe to our blog / newsletter.

Until the moment you request the effective withdrawal of such subscription.

Receive information about the activities or any other information that may be of interest to you, including advertising or promotional information, associated with the activities carried out by the entities that make up the VAC merchant Group.

Until the moment you exercise your right to revoke your consent to the processing of your data for advertising and / or promotional purposes or, where appropriate, you oppose the processing for direct marketing purposes in application of the provisions of article 21.2 of the RGPD.

Adopt as many protection measures as applicable in accordance with current regulations.

While the user's personal data is processed, including the conservation of such data during the legal terms provided, and regardless of the legitimate basis of treatment that VAC uses.

Apply the relevant security, technical and / or organizational measures on your personal data with a focus on the risk existing at all times.

While the user's personal data is processed, including the conservation of such data during the legal terms provided, and regardless of the legitimate basis of treatment that VAC uses.

In any case, and without prejudice to the foregoing, the user is also informed of the following:

  • In accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, in all that concerns the correct treatment of personal information by VAC, this entity may also keep the information for three years safely from its collection / collection (prescription periods of offenses in this area).
  • Regarding the retention time of cookies, the user is recommended to consult our cookie policy (temporality section).
  • In general, when personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes of treatment for which it was collected, it will be blocked, remaining available only to the competent authorities for the possible purification of legal responsibilities during the treatment of the themselves, always in accordance with the applicable regulations, and cannot be used for purposes other than these. After the corresponding legal deadlines in the event of a blockage, such personal data will be deleted as provided by the applicable regulations, and may also, if applicable, be safely anonymized by VAC (anonymous / non-personal data)

We try to request or apply the minimum and essential data to carry out the personal data treatments that we carry out in full development of our object and social purposes. All this in accordance with the principles contained in the applicable regulations.

Now, the lack of contribution of your personal data could lead to the impossibility of:

1) you can correctly browse our website (non-acceptance of technical or session cookies); 2) process your specific request or request (for example, due to the lack or insufficient completion of the corresponding form or request).

In any case, the information and personal data that you provide us, according to each case, must in any case be:

Sufficient, although adjusted, limited and proportionate to the legitimate purposes of treatment reported in each case, with the utmost respect for the principles of limitation of purpose and minimization of personal data.

Accurate, updated and truthful, in order to adequately verify the identity, capacity and, where appropriate, representation, as well as to be able to adjust, in each case, the data processing carried out to your specific needs and your real situation . All in accordance with the principle of accuracy of personal data.

Users will be fully responsible for the data and personal information they provide to VAC within the framework of the platform and, where appropriate, for the services they require or contract from us.


 In general, we do not share your data with third parties, nor do we sell or offer them to them. However, as a VAC client, your personal data may be shared with other companies in the Group of Companies to which VAC belongs for purely internal administrative purposes, in accordance with the provisions of Considering 48 of the RGPD.

In the same way, if you had previously accepted the communication of your personal data to other VAC entities (made up of entities that you can consult by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., to receive information about activities, events, advantages , promotions or any other information that may be of interest to you, including that of an advertising or promotional nature, associated with the activities carried out by such entities, such communications of your personal data will be made to them. You can revoke your consent for this purpose in any time, although this will not affect the legitimacy of the treatments prior to such revocation in accordance with the RGPD.

Similarly, it is possible that certain third parties may access your personal information in development of the services that they may provide to VAC. For example, in the case of third-party cookies that are applied on the platform (see cookie policy).

VAC has various managers of the personal data under its control, allowing access to them, as trusted providers, and to the extent that it is strictly necessary for the provision of the services contracted with them. Such data processors operate under a service contract in the terms, with the conditions and guarantees contained in article 28 of the RGPD, carrying out VAC the corresponding controls, inspections and audits in this area to verify that such data processors strictly comply with the contracts signed for this purpose and the applicable regulations.


In general, we do not share your data with third parties, nor do we sell or offer them to them. However, as a VAC client, your personal data may be shared with other companies in the Group of Companies to which VAC belongs for purely internal administrative purposes, in accordance with the provisions of Considering 48 of the RGPD.

In the same way, if you had previously accepted the communication of your personal data to other VAC entities (made up of entities that you can consult by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., to receive information about activities, events, advantages , promotions or any other information that may be of interest to you, including that of an advertising or promotional nature, associated with the activities carried out by such entities, such communications of your personal data will be made to them. You can revoke your consent for this purpose in any time, although this will not affect the legitimacy of the treatments prior to such revocation in accordance with the RGPD.

Similarly, it is possible that certain third parties may access your personal information in development of the services that they may provide to VAC. For example, in the case of third-party cookies that are applied on the platform (see cookie policy).

VAC has various managers of the personal data under its control, allowing access to them, as trusted providers, and to the extent that it is strictly necessary for the provision of the services contracted with them. Such data processors operate under a service contract in the terms, with the conditions and guarantees contained in article 28 of the RGPD, carrying out VAC the corresponding controls, inspections and audits in this area to verify that such data processors strictly comply with the contracts signed for this purpose and the applicable regulations.


We inform you that, in general, no international transfers of your personal data are foreseen, adopting the necessary measures and guarantees by VAC in this area in accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, our cookie policy informs of the existence of possible international transfers of personal data, in relation to the services provided by certain companies (third-party cookies). All these international transfers are fully guaranteed according to the applicable regulations, in the case of entities included in the list of entities certified under the Privacy Shield (see cookie policy).


Your rights

What does it consist of?

How to exercise it?

Right to information

Right to be provided by VAC with appropriate information, both at the time your personal data has been collected (whether they have been obtained from you or through a third party), or at any later time regarding the treatment of your personal information. You decide on your personal information. Refer to articles 12 to 14 of the RGPD.

VAC tries to provide you with all the necessary information regarding the processing of your personal data in application of articles 12 to 14 of the RGPD. However, if you have any questions or concerns about our privacy and cookie policies, please do not hesitate to write to us, via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will respond to your additional request for information.

Right of access

Right to obtain confirmation from VAC of whether or not your personal data is being processed, and to basic information related to such treatments (article 15 of the RGPD), as well as to obtain a copy of the personal data that is being processed.

Addressing a written communication through the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the Ref. "Exercise Rights" accompanying, if necessary to prove your identification, a copy of your national identity document or equivalent identification document (passport, NIE ...).

Right of rectification

Right to obtain without undue delay from VAC the rectification of your personal data in the terms of article 16 of the RGPD.

Addressing a written communication through the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the Ref. "Exercise Rights" accompanying, if necessary to prove your identification, a copy of your national identity document or equivalent identification document (passport, NIE ...).

Right of withdrawal

Right to obtain without undue delay by VAC the deletion of your personal data in the terms of article 17 of the RGPD.

Addressing a written communication through the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the Ref. "Exercise Rights" accompanying, if necessary to prove your identification, a copy of your national identity document or equivalent identification document (passport, NIE ...).

Right to limitation of treatment

Right to obtain from VAC the limitation of the treatment of your data when:

-You challenge the accuracy of your personal data, during a period that allows VAC to verify its accuracy.

-The treatment is unlawful and you oppose its deletion (and instead, request the limitation of the same).

VAC no longer needs personal data, but you need it for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.

Its exercise will be limited to what is described in article 18 of the RGPD.

Addressing a written communication through the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the Ref. "Exercise Rights" accompanying, if necessary to prove your identification, a copy of your national identity document or equivalent identification document (passport, NIE ...).

Right to data portability

Right to receive the personal data that concerns you and that you have provided us in a structured format, in common use and mechanical reading, or to transmit them to another data controller when technically possible in the terms described in article 20 of the RGPD

Addressing a written communication through the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the Ref. "Exercise Rights" accompanying, if necessary to prove your identification, a copy of your national identity document or equivalent identification document (passport, NIE ...).

Right of opposition

Right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data, including the preparation of profiles, when this is based on the satisfaction of the legitimate interest of VAC or of a third party as described in article 21 of the RGPD.

Addressing a written communication through the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the Ref. "Exercise Rights" accompanying, if necessary to prove your identification, a copy of your national identity document or equivalent identification document (passport, NIE ...). .

Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing (including profiling)

Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that produces legal effects or affects you significantly similarly in the terms of article 22 of the RGPD.

Addressing a written communication through the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the Ref. "Exercise Rights" accompanying, if necessary to prove your identification, a copy of your national identity document or equivalent identification document (passport, NIE ...).

Right to revoke the consent granted

You will have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the treatment carried out by VAC based on your consent prior to its withdrawal

Through the forms, contents and privacy configuration spaces provided by VAC according to each case, such revocation can be articulated (for example, requesting the unsubscribe from the newsletter service requested through the link provided at the end). However, you can also always send a communication to that effect to the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that your right can be duly addressed as described in the applicable regulations.

Right to file a claim with the competent supervisory authority (AEPD)

It implies the possibility of going to the supervisory authority in the event that your rights to the protection of personal data are violated (articles 13 and 14 of the RGPD)

We recommend that before submitting any complaint or claim to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD), contact us in order to analyze the specific situation that corresponds and try, where appropriate, to find an effective and friendly solution. Apart from the above, if you wish, you can also refer to the AEPD website



Taking into account the nature, the scope, the context and the indicated purposes of the treatment, as well as the risks of varying probability and seriousness for your rights and freedoms, VAC applies (and will apply) appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to guarantee the due security and protection of your personal data attending to privacy criteria from the design and by default, as well as applying a concurrent risk approach system that will be reviewed and updated by VAC when necessary.


This policy is in force from May 1, 2020.

VAC reserves the right to modify this policy, to adapt it to future legislative, doctrinal or jurisprudential developments that may apply, or for technical, operational, commercial, corporate and business reasons, informing you in advance and reasonably of the changes that may occur when this is possible. In any case, it is recommended that each time you access this platform, you read this policy in detail, since any modification will be published through it.

Likewise, VAC may inform you personally and prior to the changes projected in this policy, before its entry into force, provided that this is technically and reasonably possible, in particular, when you are considered a registered user or are a customer of VAC



Our commitment to the protection of the personal data of our users has led us to the appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPD) at VAC with whom users, if they so wish, can contact regarding all matters related to the processing of your personal data and for the exercise of your rights as provided in the RGPD. You can contact our DPD through the following contact information:

Contact email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact phone: +34 600 907 499

Postal address: Calle Gobelas 13 28023 Madrid


In general, any controversy and conflict will be submitted preferentially by the parties to their knowledge in order to obtain a friendly solution and by common agreement using, for these purposes, the channel and email provided in section 13 of this policy.

In case this is not possible, taking into account the criteria contained in the RGPD for determining the competence of the leading or main authority, in order to know any conflict, controversy or claim regarding this privacy policy, when less, administratively, it is reported that such authority will be the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD), having to comply, in any case, with the provisions of article 56 of the RGPD. As regards the right to effective judicial protection against VAC in these cases, the provisions of Article 79.2 of the RGPD will also be followed, and the corresponding action may be brought before the Judges and Courts of the City of Madrid to the extent that the responsible entity is a company located in Spain. It will attend to the current Spanish and European regulations applicable in this area.

Cookies policy

Below is the Cookie Policy (hereinafter "cookie policy" or "policy") that governs the Web Platform (hereinafter, "the Platform"), under the ownership of VAC Luxury Homes Spain SL (hereinafter, "VAC" or "we"), an entity domiciled at Calle Gobelas 13 28023 Madrid, and registered in the Madrid Mercantile Registry, volume 29.307, Page 150, Section 8, Sheet M-527543.

The objective of this Cookies Policy is to help you understand the use we make of cookies on this web platform, their types, purpose and duration, and to indicate the options you have to configure, manage or reject them.



1. What are Cookies?

Cookies are small files or devices that are downloaded and stored on your terminal (that is, the device from which you access the Platform: computer, Mobile phone, Tablet or any other connected device ...) and allow the Platform or website remember information about your visit.

In general, and as stated in the Cookie Guide published by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD) that you can consult here, cookies can be of various types:

Depending on who is the entity that manages the computer or domain from which cookies are sent and treats the data obtained, we can distinguish:

- Own cookies: These are those that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the platform's editor, in this case VAC, from which the service requested by the user is provided.

- Third-party cookies: They are those that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the editor of the Platform, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies. In the event that cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by VAC, but, nevertheless, the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered as VAC's own cookies. In this sense, VAC can contract the services of analysis and measurement companies that measure and / or analyze the browsing behavior of users on the platform and, in this sense, act on their behalf and representation, through the analysis of the data obtained with the use of cookies from these third parties, all with the sole objective of improving the service provided by VAC.

Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through cookies is processed, we can distinguish between:

- Technical cookies: They are those that allow the user to navigate through the platform and use the different options or services that exist on it, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing information with restricted access, remembering the elements that make up a request, making the request for registration or participation in an event, using security elements while browsing, storing content for the broadcast of videos or sound, or sharing content through social networks.

- Personalization cookies: They are those that allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics based on a series of criteria in the user's terminal, such as language, the type of browser through which they access to the service, or the regional configuration from where you access the service, among others.

- Analysis cookies: They are those that allow the person responsible for them to monitor and analyze the behavior of the users of the websites to which they are linked. The information collected through this type of cookies is used in the measurement of activity on the platform and for the elaboration of navigation profiles of the users of said sites, applications and platforms, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made by users of the service.

- Advertising cookies: They are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that, where appropriate, the editor has included in a web page, application or platform from which the requested service is provided based on criteria such as edited content or the frequency at which ads are displayed.

- Behavioral advertising cookies: They are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that, where appropriate, the editor has included in a web page, application or platform from which the requested service is provided. These cookies store information on user behavior obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, allowing the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on it.

According to the period of time that they remain activated in the terminal equipment (temporality) we can distinguish:

- Session cookies: Cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses the platform. Session cookies allow a website to recognize the user.

- Persistent cookies: Cookies in which the data is still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, and which can range from a few minutes to several years.


2.    What Cookies does this Platform use?

This Platform uses cookies to optimize and facilitate user navigation, as well as to know their browsing habits.

Some of the cookies used are necessary to allow navigation on the Platform and cannot be rejected by the user, others do not affect the functionality of the website and the user may accept or reject them as indicated in section “3. Management and configuration of Cookies ”. The cookies that are being used on this Platform and their characteristics are identified below:


Technical cookies necessary for the operation of the web

These Cookies are necessary for the operation of the Platform and the provision of the services requested by the user. Without these Cookies it will not be possible to use the Platform or offer you the requested services.

Cookies banner

Do not reopen the cookie banner to someone who has already accepted it

One month




Analytical cookies


Does disabling the cookie affect the functionality of the Platform?

These Cookies allow us to know the behavior of users on our Platform to evaluate the performance of the web. Analyzing the use of the Platform helps us make improvements and adapt to user preferences.





 Google analytics Know the analytics of visits on the daily web daily Google  


Ø You can prevent Google Analytics from collecting and using data (cookies and IP address) by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on plugin:


Social media cookies


Does disabling the cookie affect the functionality of the Platform?

They are Cookies associated with the "plugins" of social networks linked to the Platform and that allow interaction with or through the social network from the Platform itself.





 Facebook Daily web analytics Daily Facebook  


If you want more information about the purpose and scope of the collection and processing of personal data by the social networks linked to this Platform, you can consult its Privacy Policies:




As noted, third-party cookies are served, although adequate guarantees regarding possible international transfers of personal data in accordance with current regulations concur with these third parties. These are entities, either certified in Privacy Shield (with valid certificate), or located in the European Economic Area (EEA). You can consult the information on the privacy of third parties through the following links:





Google LLC



When you access this Platform for the first time, or, not being the first time, you access through a different device or browser than the one previously used, or if you have deleted Cookies from your computer, you can accept, reject or configure the installation of cookies.

Remember that technical cookies are essential to enable user navigation on the platform, so that their deactivation or disabling will prevent such navigation.

We offer you information on how you can carry out the management and deactivation of the cookies used on the platform through the different options offered by the most common browsers:

Ø Google Chrome

Ø Mozilla Firefox

Ø Microsoft Internet Explorer

Ø Safari

In addition, you can also manage the cookie store in your browser through tools such as the following:


Your online choices:


4. Updates and changes in the Cookies Policy

This Cookies Policy can be modified based on legislative, regulatory requirements or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD), therefore users are advised to visit it periodically.

VAC Luxury Homes
Calle Lepanto 5, 41003 Sevilla (Spain)

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+34 679 48 68 70